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  2001: A Space Odyssey

rating: (out of 4 stars)

United States, United Kingdom; 1968
Directed by Stanley Kubrick; produced by Stanley Kubrick; screenplay by Arthur C. Clarke, Stanley Kubrick
Starring Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter, Leonard Rossiter, Douglas Rain (voice)

Below you will find a temporary review for this film. The real (better, more complete) review will be online very soon.

'2001: A Space Odyssey' starts with the dawn of men. Apes find a monolith, a perfect shape that must have been made by something (intelligent life from another planet perhaps). After that an ape discovers he can use a bone as a weapon, the ape finds his intelligence. He throws the bone in the air and it changes into a space ship. The ship has Dr. Heywood Floyd on board and he is heading for the moon. Men have discovered a monolith there. Some time later 2 astronauts go on a mission to Jupiter. Their space ship is controlled by the artificial intelligent computer HAL 9000.

Much is not explained in '2001: A Space Odyssey'. The movie itself is one big mysterious journey. Everything looks beautiful and Stanley Kubrick, with his great direction, takes his time for everything on screen. The music makes it even more beautiful. The famous parts from Johan Strauß and Richard Strauss are used in a great way. Especially the sequence with the 'Blue Danube' from Johan Strauß is masterful.

There is not much dialogue in the film, a very good thing. Things are not explained with the dialogue and it makes the film only more fascinating. The monolith, also never explained, the computer HAL which speaks so beautifully, the beautiful music, a great direction and one of the most famous and perfect movie-endings make this film a trip that you will never forget.

  Review by Reinier Verhoef