Forgetting Sarah Marshall rating: ![]() United States; 2008 Directed by Nicholas Stoller; produced by Judd Apatow, Shauna Robertson; written by Jason Segel Starring Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Russell Brand, Bill Hader, Jonah Hill, Paul Rudd, William Baldwin, Jason Bateman The Judd Apatow (this time just producer) comedy 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' fits in the line of 'The 40 Year Old Virgin', 'Knocked Up' and 'Superbad'. It combines (sex) comedy with fully developed characters and a story that has its heart on the right place. I cared for the leading characters, admired the straightforward and more honest approach to the romantic comedy, and realized lesser known actors Jason Segel and Mila Kunis are sweeter than most of their more famous predecessors. In between I laughed almost constantly. It is hard to explain Apatow’s secret when it comes to combining the serious touch with raunchiness in his comedies. His approach makes romance and friendship more real and less Hollywood. After countless examples following the Hollywood rules of romantic comedies this small change is exactly what is needed. This time credit goes to Segel too, not just as the leading man, but as the screenwriter as well. Not since 'Love Actually' I have admired a romantic screenplay this smart. When you really think about it, this screenplay follows the same path most of them do - including those Matthew McConaughey vehicles. Peter (Segel) is dumped by his girlfriend, famous television star Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell). This opening sequence sets the tone for the rest of the film - the break-up is a serious thing, but it all happens while we are treated with some full frontal male nudity. Peter is devastated and leaves for Hawaii to find some peace, only to discover Sarah is there with her new love, singer Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). He also meets Rachel (Kunis), the love interest working at his hotel. All the usual - I would almost say - clichés pass, including Peter’s jealousy towards Aldous, Peter not realizing the great girl is right in front of him, Sarah being jealous of Rachel for spending time with her ex, the Big Crisis separating Rachel and Peter, and many more. But amazingly, it never feels as something we have seen before. All of this happens in a sort of realistic way, only mixed up with a little more comedy. Beside the great leads, including Bell, the supporting characters are worth mentioning. Brand as Snow steals the scenes he is in; most of the comedy involve him in one way or another. Apatow regulars turn up too, all in funny bits without being distracting from the main story. Bill Hader is Peter’s best friend, Jonah Hill is a waiter close to in love with singer Snow, and Paul Rudd is surfer Chuck, who loves smoking weed so much he has forgotten you the next day. Amusing cameos come from William Baldwin and Jason Bateman. 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' is once again a reminder that the standard for comedy, at least at the moment, is set by Judd Apatow and the creative people around him. Again, he makes sure you want to see his next production.
Review by Reinier Verhoef |